As part of a broader organisational restructure, data networking
research at Swinburne University of Technology has moved from
the Centre for Advanced Internet Architecture (CAIA)
to the Internet For Things (I4T) Research Lab .
Although CAIA no longer exists, this website reflects CAIA's activities and
outputs between March 2002 and February 2017,
and is being maintained as a service to the broader data networking research community.
Zander - Publications
Journal Papers
S. Wendzel, S. Zander, B. Fechner, C. Herdin,
A Pattern-based Survey and Categorization of Network Covert
Channel Techniques ", (to appear)
ACM Computing Surveys, volume 47, issue 3, 2015.
(arXiv version )
T. T. T. Nguyen, G. Armitage, P. Branch, S. Zander,
Timely and Continuous Machine-Learning-Based Classification for Interactive IP Traffic ",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 20, issue 6, pages 1880-1894, December 2012.
S. Zander, L. L. H. Andrew, G. Armitage, G. Huston, G. Michaelson,
Investigating the IPv6 Teredo Tunnelling
Capability and Performance of Internet Clients ",
SIGCOMM CCR, volume 42, issue 5, pages 13--20, October 2012.
S. Zander, P.
Branch, G. Armitage, "Capacity
of Temperature-based Covert Channels ", IEEE
Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 82-84, January
S. Zander, G.
Armitage, P. Branch, "Covert
Channels and Countermeasures in Computer Network
Protocols ", (invited) IEEE Communications
Magazine, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 136-142, December 2007. [pdf ]
S. Zander, G.
Armitage, P. Branch, "A
Survey of Covert Channels and Countermeasures in Computer Network
Protocols ", IEEE Communications Surveys and
Tutorials, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 44-57, October 2007. [pdf ]
N. Williams,
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "A Preliminary Performance Comparison of Five
Machine Learning Algorithms for Practical IP Traffic Flow
Classification ", SIGCOMM Computer Communication
Review, Volume 36, October 2006. [pdf ]
J. Jähnert, J.
Zhou, R. L. Aguiar, V. Marques, M. Wetterwald, E. Melin, J. I.
Moreno, A. Cuevas, M. Liebsch, R. Schmitz, P. Pacyna, T. Melia, P.
Kurtansky, Hasan, D. Singh, S. Zander, H. J. Einsiedler, B.
Stiller, "The 'pure-IP'
Moby Dick 4G architecture ", Computer Communications 28(9),
pp. 1014-1027, Elsevier, June 2005. [pdf ]
Tiemann, S. Zander, M. Jonas, " Gigamedia
- Film + Video im Netz ", DFN Journal, Heft 54,
November 2000. [pdf ]
Zander, "Java - Weder 'kalter
Kaffee' noch heißer Problemlöser ", Fachzeitschrift Fernseh- und Kinotechnik
(FKT) , March 1998.
Internationally Reviewed Conference
S. Zander, L. L. H. Andrew, G. Armitage, "
Capturing Ghosts: Predicting the Used IPv4 Space by Inferring Unobserved Addresses ",
(accepted at) Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Vancouver, Canada, November 2014.
S. Zander, L. L. H. Andrew, G. Armitage, G. Huston, "
Estimating IPv4 Address Space Usage with Capture-Recapture ",
7th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements in conjunction with the
38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Sydney, Australia, October 2013.
[preprint ]
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "
Minimally-Intrusive Frequent Round Trip Time Measurements Using Synthetic Packet-Pairs ",
(accepted as short paper) 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Sydney,
Australia, October 2013. [Extended Report ]
S. Zander, L. L. H. Andrew, G. Armitage,
Estimating the Used IPv4 Address Space with Secure Multi-Party Capture-recapture ",
(poster) IEEE INFOCOM, Turin, Italy, April 2013.
S. Zander, L. L. H. Andrew, G. Armitage, G. Huston, G. Michaelson,
Mitigating Sampling Error when Measuring Internet Client IPv6 Capabilities ",
Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Boston, USA, November 2012. (best paper candidate)
S. Zander, T. T. T. Nguyen, G. Armitage, "
Sub-flow Packet Sampling for Scalable ML
Classification of Interactive Traffic ", 37th Annual IEEE
Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN ), Clearwater, Florida, USA, October 2012.
S. Wendzel, S. Zander, "
Detecting Protocol Switching Covert Channels ",
(poster) 37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN ), Clearwater, Florida, USA, October 2012.
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "
Practical Machine Learning Based Multimedia Traffic Classification for Distributed QoS
Management ", 36th Annual IEEE
Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN ), Bonn, Germany, October
S. Zander, G. Armitage, P. Branch, "Stealthier Inter-packet Timing Covert
Channels ", IFIP Networking, Valencia, Spain, 9-13 May
S. Zander, G. Armitage, P. Branch, "Reliable
Transmission Over Covert Channels in First Person Shooter
Multiplayer Games ", 34th Annual IEEE Conference on
Local Computer Networks (LCN ), Zurich, Switzerland, 20-23
October 2009.
S. Zander, G. Armitage, P. Branch, "Covert
Channels in Multiplayer First Person Shooter Online
Games ", 33rd Annual IEEE Conference on Local
Computer Networks (LCN ),
Montreal, Canada, 14-17 October 2008. [pdf ]
S. Zander, S. Murdoch, "An Improved Clock-skew Measurement Technique
for Revealing Hidden Services ", 17th Usenix
Security Symposium , San Jose, USA, July/August 2008. (15.9%
acceptance rate) [pdf ]
S. Zander, G.Armitage, P.Branch, "An
Empirical Evaluation of IP Time To Live Covert
Channels ", 15th IEEE International Conference on
Networks (ICON2007 ), Adelaide,
Australia, 19-21 November 2007. [pdf ]
S. Zander, P.Branch, G.Armitage, "Error
Probability Analysis of IP Time To Live Covert
Channels ", IEEE 7th International Symposium on
Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2007 ), Sydney,
Australia, October 16-19, 2007. [pdf ]
S. Zander, G. Armitage, P. Branch, "Covert
Channels in the IP Time To Live Field " , Australian
Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference (ATNAC 2006),
Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 December 2006. [pdf ]
G. Armitage, C. Javier, S. Zander,
Optimisation for Online First Person Shooter Game Server
Discovery " , (poster) Australian Telecommunication
Networks and Application Conference (ATNAC 2006), Melbourne,
Australia, 4-6 December 2006. [pdf ]
J. But, N. Williams, S. Zander, L. Stewart, G. Armitage,
"ANGEL - Automated Network Games
Enhancement Layer ", NetGames 2006 , Singapore,
November 2006.
G. Armitage, C. Javier, S. Zander, "Post-game Estimation of Game Client RTT and
Hop Count Distributions ", (poster) NetGames 2006 , Singapore,
November 2006. [Full
Paper ]
S. Zander, N. Williams, G. Armitage, "Internet Archeology: Estimating Individual
Application Trends in Incomplete Historic Traffic
Traces ", (poster) Passive and Active Measurement
Workshop (PAM 2006), Adelaide, Australia, March 30 - 31,
2006. [pdf ] [Full
Paper ]
L. Stewart, G. Armitage, P. Branch, S. Zander, "An
Architecture for Automated Network Control of QoS over
Consumer Broadband Links ", (poster) IEEE Tencon 2005 , Melbourne,
Australia, 21-24 November 2005. [pdf ]
S. Zander, T.T.T. Nguyen, G. Armitage, "Automated
Traffic Classification and Application Identification using
Machine Learning ", Proc. IEEE 30th Conference on Local
Computer Networks (LCN 2005), Sydney, Australia, 15-17 November
2005. [pdf ]
S. Zander, D. Kennedy, G. Armitage, "Dissecting
Server-Discovery Traffic Patterns Generated By Multiplayer First
Person Shooter Games ", NetGames 2005, New York, USA, 10-11
October 2005. [pdf ]
S.Zander, I.Leeder, G.Armitage, "Achieving Fairness
in Multiplayer Network Games through Automated Latency
Balancing ", ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances
in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2005), Valencia, Spain,
June 2005. [p df ]
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "A Traffic Model for
the XBOX Game Halo 2 ", 15th ACM International Workshop on
Network and Operating System Support for DIgital Audio and Video
(NOSSDAV 2005), Washington (USA), June 2005. [pdf ]
S. Zander, T. Nguyen, G. Armitage, "Self-learning
IP Traffic Classification based on Statistical Flow
Characteristics ", (poster) Passive Active Measurement
Workshop (PAM 2005), Boston, USA, March/April 2005. [pdf ]
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "Empirically
Measuring the QoS Sensitivity of Interactive Online Game
Players ", Australian Telecommunications Networks &
Applications Conference 2004 (ATNAC 2004), Sydney, Australia
December 8-10 2004. [pdf ]
P. Kurtansky, Hasan, D. Singh, S. Zander, A. Cuevas, J.
Jähnert, J. Zhou, B. Stiller, "Extensions
of AAA for Future IP Networks ", IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2004), Atlanta, USA,
March 2004. [pdf ]
S. Zander, G. Armitage, C. Malcolm, "Dynamics
and Cachability of Web Sites: Implications for Inverted Capacity
Networks ", IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON
2003), Sydney, Australia, September/October 2003. [pdf ]
S. Zander, G. Carle, "High
Quality IP Video Streaming with Adaptive Packet
Marking ", International Workshop on Quality of Future
Internet Services (Qofis) 2002, Zürich, Switzerland, October
2002. [pdf ]
Hasan, D. Singh, S. Zander, M. Kuhlbach, J. Jaehnert, B.
Stiller, "The Design of an Extended AAAC
Architecture ", IST Mobile & Wireless
Telecommunications Summit 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2002.
[pdf ]
J. Quittek, T. Zseby, G. Carle, S. Zander, "Traffic Flow Measurements within IP Networks:
Requirements, Technologies, and Standardization ", IEEE
SAINT Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINT
2002 Workshops), Nara City, Nara, Japan, January/February, 2002.
[pdf ]
G. Carle, H. Sanneck, S. Zander, L. Le, "Deploying
an Active Voice Application on a Three-Level Active Network Node
Architecture ", International Working Conference On
Active Networks (IWAN 2001), Philadelphia, USA, September/October
2001. [pdf ]
M. Berg, C. Huck, R. Schaefer, J. Tiemann, S. Zander,
"Kooperative Postproduktion von
Film und Video in High-Speed Netzwerken ", ITG/FKTG-Fachtagung Elektronische Medien:
Technologien, Systeme, Anwendungen , Dortmund, Germany,
September 2001.
Hasan, J. Jähnert, S. Zander, B. Stiller, "Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and
Charging for the Mobile Internet ", IST Mobile
Communications Summit, Barcelona, Spain, September 2001. [pdf ]
T. Zseby, S. Zander, G. Carle, "Evaluation of Building Blocks for Passive
One-way-delay Measurements ", (poster) Passive Active
Measurement Workshop (PAM 2001), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April
2001. [pdf ]
G. Carle, S. Zander, T. Zseby, "Policy-basiertes
Metering für IP Netze ", Kommunikation in Verteilten
Systemen (KiVS), Hamburg, Germany, February 2001. [pdf ]
J. Quittek, B.
Claise, T. Zseby, S. Zander, "Requirements for IP Flow Information
Export " , Informational RFC, RFC 3917, October 2004.
G. Carle, S.
Zander, T. Zseby, "Policy-based
Accounting ", Experimental RFC, RFC 3334, October 2002.
Zander, " Evaluation
of Diameter Protocol against IPFIX Requirements ", IETF draft
<draft-zander-ipfix-diameter-eval-00.txt>, Work in Progress,
September 2002. (expired)
Diploma Thesis
S. Zander, "Tarifbasierte
Dienstgüteauswahl für IP-Multimedia-Dienste mit
Vorwärtsfehlerkorrektur ", Institut für
Kommunikationsnetze, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, TU Berlin, July
1999. [pdf ]
Parts of my diploma thesis are covered in this
publication: G. Carle, T. Zseby, "Tariff Dependent Error Control for
Heterogeneous Real-Time Multicast Services ", Proceedings
of Multicast Workshop, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany,
May 20-21, 1999.
CAIA Tech Reports
S. Zander and G. Armitage, "
Minimally-Intrusive Frequent Round Trip Time Measurements Using Synthetic Packet-Pairs - Extended Report "
CAIA Technical report 130730A, 30 July 2013.
S. Zander, "On
the Accuracy of IP Geolocation based on IP Allocation Data ",
CAIA Technical report 120524A, 24 May 2012.
N. Williams, S. Zander, "
Real Time Traffic Classification and Prioritisation on a Home Router using DIFFUSE ",
CAIA Technical report 120412A, April 2012.
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "Design
of DIFFUSE v0.4 – DIstributed Firewall and Flow-shaper Using Statistical Evidence ",
CAIA Technical report 110704A, 04 July 2011.
S. Zander, G.
Armitage, "Design
of DIFFUSE v0.1 – DIstributed Firewall and Flow-shaper Using
Statistical Evidence ", CAIA Technical report 101223A, 23
December 2010.
S. Zander, P.
Branch, G. Armitage, "Estimating
the Capacity of Temperature-based Covert Channels ", CAIA
Technical report 091218A, 18 December 2009.
P. Branch, S.
Zander, "Bit-Stuffing
Rate in the High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) Protocol ", CAIA
Technical report 081121A, 21 November 2008.
S. Zander, G.
Armitage, "CCHEF
- Covert Channels Evaluation Framework Design and
Implementation ", CAIA Technical report 080530A, 30 May
S. Zander, G.
Armitage, P. Branch, "Dynamics
of the IP Time To Live Field in Internet Traffic Flows ", CAIA
Technical report 070529A, 29 May 2007.
Armitage, C. Javier, S. Zander, "Post-game
Estimation of Game Client RTT and Hop Count
Distributions ", CAIA Technical report 060801A, 01 August
S. Zander, G.
Armitage, T. Nguyen, L. Mark, B. Tyo, "Minimally
Intrusive Round Trip Time Measurements Using Synthetic
Packet-Pairs ", CAIA Technical report 060707A, 07 July
S. Zander,
of Game Traffic based on Port Numbers: A Case Study using Enemy
Territory ", CAIA Technical report 060410D, 10 April 2006.
N. Williams,
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "Evaluating
Machine Learning Methods for Online Game Traffic
Identification ", CAIA Technical report 060410C, 10 April
N. Williams,
S. Zander, G. Armitage, "Evaluating
Machine Learning Algorithms for Automated Network Application
Identification ", CAIA Technical report 060410B, 10 April
G. Armitage, C. Javier, S. Zander, "Measuring
a Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Master Server's Response to Game
Client Queries ", CAIA Technical report 060410A, 10 April
S. Zander, N.
Williams, G. Armitage, "Internet
Archeology: Estimating Individual Application Trends in Incomplete
Historic Traffic Traces ", CAIA Technical report 060313A, 13
March 2006.
G. Armitage,
C. Javier, S. Zander, "Client
RTT and Hop Count Distributions viewed from an Australian Enemy
Territory Server ", CAIA Technical report 060223A, 23 February
Bussiere, S. Zander, "Enemy
Territory Traffic Analysis ", CAIA Technical report 060203A, 03
February 2006.
Bussiere, S. Zander, "Empirical
Measurements of Player QoS Sensitivity for the Xbox Game
Halo2 ", CAIA Technical report 050527A, 27 May 2005.
S. Zander, D.
Kennedy, G. Armitage, "KUTE
A High Performance Kernel-based UDP Traffic Engine ", CAIA
Technical report 050118A, 18 January 2005.
D. Kennedy, S.
Zander, "Investigating
the Influence of HTTP Traffic on the Accuracy of Packet Time
Stamping ", CAIA Technical report 041124A, 24 November 2004.
T. Zseby, S.
Zander, "Sampling
Schemes for Validating Service Level Agreements ", CAIA
Technical report 040706A, 06 July 2004.
S. Zander, G.
Armitage, C. Malcolm, "Dynamics
and Cachability of WebSites: Implications for Inverted Capacity
Networks ", CAIA Technical report 030405B, 05 April