As part of a broader organisational restructure, data networking research at Swinburne University of Technology has moved from the Centre for Advanced Internet Architecture (CAIA) to the Internet For Things (I4T) Research Lab.

Although CAIA no longer exists, this website reflects CAIA's activities and outputs between March 2002 and February 2017, and is being maintained as a service to the broader data networking research community.

Tools developed at CAIA

Measurement / Miscellaneous
Name Description Project
CCHEF Covert Channels Evaluation Framework ICE3
DPD Deterministic Packet Discard - A FreeBSD kernel module that can discard specific tcp packets from a flow for testing purposes NEWTCP
NAM Not AutoMake - A set of files that allow the development of platform independent build environments that utilise the GNU Autoconf tool without also requiring the use of the GNU Automake tool
Secure Fast Set Intersection (SeFaSI) -- estimate the size of the IPv4 space based on datasets of IP addresses observed collected by multiple collaborators, while ensuring the anonymity of the IP addresses each collaborator has observed
Scalable Ping -- for pinging huge numbers of IP addresses (e.g. the whole IPv4 Internet) with ICMP echo and TCP SYNs, and/or performing huge numbers of reverse DNS lookups concurrently.
Stockade A network level SPAM mitigation tool Stockade
SPP Synthetic Packet Pairs - Tool for passive round trip time estimation
TCP Experiment Automation Controlled Using Python (TEACUP)

YpFW An ipfw frontend ICE3

Name Description Project
SWISS Simple Web Inverted System Simulation ICE3
WOCIES Web object change interval estimation simulator ICE3

Traffic Generation
Name Description Project
KUTE A Kernel-based UDP Traffic Engine GENIUS
ns2-XBox An ns2 traffic generator for synthesizing XBox system link traffic (CAIA Tech Report 030613A) GENIUS
ns2-Half-Life An ns2 traffic generator for synthesizing Half-Life traffic GENIUS

Traffic Analysis
Name Description Project
CFTstat A tool for passive TCP analysis, statistics and user's web experience gathering ICE3
gmodstat Post-capture analysis tool for QuakeIII Arena logfiles generated by servers running the gmod server mod GENIUS
Greynets Toolkit Passive monitoring of traffic destined for unused IP addresses GREYNETS
netAI Network Traffic based Application Identification - Tool for identifying the end host applications that are responsible for traffic flows in a network DSTC
NetMate Meter A flexible and extensible tool for network measurement. It can be used for accounting, delay/loss measurement, packet capturing DSTC
NetSniff A multi-layer, networked application, traffic capture and analysis tool ICE3
pkthisto Packet traffic analysis tool for extracting packet length histograms and inter-packet arrival histograms GENIUS
RTBADT A Real-time BGP Anomaly Detection Tool using Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) techniques to rapidly detect BGP anomalies BRT
SIFTR Statistical Information For TCP Research - A FreeBSD kernel module that logs statistics on active tcp connections to a file NEWTCP

Name Description Project
FPS Server Traffic
Animating global distribution of game clients from the CounterStrike game family
Homenet3D for OpenWRT

L3DGEWorld A data visualisation utility desgined for network monitoring and control. Based on OpenArena L3DGE
LCMON L3dgeworld Cluster-node Monitoring - Swinburne super computer cluster visualisation L3DGE
LTMON L3dge Traffic Monitor - Traffic source location visualisation for your host L3DGE
LupsMON 3D uninterruptable power supply monitoring tool L3DGE

Last Updated: Tuesday 3-Apr-2018 06:48:59 AEST | No longer maintained. Pre-2018 was maintained and authorised by Grenville Armitage,