As part of a broader organisational restructure, data networking research at Swinburne University of Technology has moved from the Centre for Advanced Internet Architecture (CAIA) to the Internet For Things (I4T) Research Lab.

Although CAIA no longer exists, this website reflects CAIA's activities and outputs between March 2002 and February 2017, and is being maintained as a service to the broader data networking research community.

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An Open-source Tool for Passive Detection of Unsolicited Network Scans in Small ISP and Enterprise networks - 2008

  • Facilitators: Grenville Armitage, Warren Harrop
  • Funding body: The auDA Foundation
  • Awarded: December 2007
  • Amount: $19K AUD
  • Project homepage:
  • Project overview: The auDA Foundation awarded a grant of $19K to CAIA in support of a proposal titled "An Open-source Tool for Passive Detection of Unsolicited Network Scans in Small ISP and Enterprise networks".

Anomalous traffic detection and collaborative network configuration using 3D multiplayer game engines - 2006

  • Facilitators: Grenville Armitage, Warren Harrop
  • Funding body: Cisco Systems University Research Program (URP)
  • Awarded: June 2006
  • Amount: $65K USD
  • Project homepage:
  • Project overview: The Cisco System University Research Program (URP) awarded a grant of $65K USD (approximately $85K AUD) to CAIA in support of a research proposal by Associate Professor Grenville Armitage and Mr Warren Harrop entitled "Anomalous traffic detection and collaborative network configuration using 3D multiplayer game engines". Fred Baker was our URP 'Cisco Champion'. (The April 2006 URP round accepted only 25% of all reviewed submissions.)

Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) - 2004

  • Awarded: January 2004
  • Scholarship overview: Australian Postgraduate Awards are available to domestic students with a First Class Honours result or equivalent, to support their study towards a Higher Degree by Research. Australian Postgraduate Awards offer a non-taxable indexed stipend of around $20,400 (AUD) p.a. and a tuition fee scholarship (total value: around $40k p.a.) for up to three years for doctoral studies.
Last Updated: Wednesday 8-Apr-2009 03:30:47 AEST | Maintained by: Warren Harrop ( | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage (