As part of a broader organisational restructure, data networking research at Swinburne University of Technology has moved from the Centre for Advanced Internet Architecture (CAIA) to the Internet For Things (I4T) Research Lab.

Although CAIA no longer exists, this website reflects CAIA's activities and outputs between March 2002 and February 2017, and is being maintained as a service to the broader data networking research community.

Dr. Jason But - Research Portfolio

Grant Applications

Listed below are both successful pending Grant and Funding applications I have been involved in since joining CAIA

A list of teaching related grants can be found within my Teaching Portfolio

Investigation of Dynamic Network Management in an OpenFlow Enabled Network

Type: Cisco Request for Proposal (RFP) Grant
Amount: $(US) 78,000
Status: Current (Due to conclude in December 2016)
Abstract: The Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures (CAIA) at Swinburne University has previously worked on techniques for real-time classification of Internet traffic and the subsequent use of this information to shape traffic in the network. OpenFlow based switches offer the opportunity to segregate the Control and Forwarding Planes of networking infrastructure, allowing for innovative techniques for dynamic network management. We see an opportunity to combine our work on traffic classification with the networking paradigm afforded by OpenFlow technology to develop automated network management systems that can dynamically respond to real-time traffic flow characteristics. In this project we propose a project with two coupled themes, 1) To explore the potential for using the OpenFlow protocol to gather statistical data that can then be used to perform classification of traffic; and 2) To extend the our existing DIFFUSE traffic classification/management infrastructure to support dynamic instantiation of traffic management rules on an OpenFlow-enabled switch. The outcome of this projects will include a set of proposed extensions/modifications to the existing OpenFlow protocols to better support real-time statistical based traffic classification, and an Open Source release supporting an extension to the existing DIFFUSE architecture to support dynamic network reconfiguration on an OpenFlow based network.

Test-bed for Wide-Area Software Defined Networking Research

Type: ARC LIEF Grant
Amount: $270,000
Status: Current
Abstract: This project aims to develop a wide-area test-bed spanning ten organisations for conducting research and experimentation in the emerging disruptive technology of software defined networking (SDN). SDN is going to bring long-term transformation to the networking industry, much like cloud computing did, by enabling dynamic virtualised elastic network services under software control. The test-bed will empower Australian researchers in network technologies and dependent applications (e.g. multimedia and security) to collaboratively develop and demonstrate novel ideas at scale. This will benefit Australia by giving our researchers international recognition in this nascent area, and developing a national talent pool for local industry.

FreeBSD implementation of an SCTP friendly NAT

Type: Cisco Request for Proposal (RFP) Grant
Amount: $(US) 78,000
Status: Completed December 2008
Abstract: Network Address Translation (NAT) is typically used to share a single Internet address amongst a number of users. Extending the common approach used in NAT implementations for TCP and UDP to the SCTP protocol is not viable - the SCTP protocol specification would require checksums for the whole packet (not just the header) to be re-calculated for each packet - particularly for small home router implementations. Further, SCTP also offers multi-homing which offers new challenges for the NAT code to track in a single SCTP connection. We propose to develop a NAT implementation to support SCTP to be released for the FreeBSD 6.2 (or its replacement as of August 2007) platform. Our release code will utilise an existing NAT framework such as ipfw or ipf such that it can be practically deployed on real systems. The NAT will track SCTP connections via the Verification Tag (VTag) field and retain connection details should one end of a multi-homed session change end-points. We also propose to test this implementation under a number of different usage and failure-mode scenarios, the results of these tests will be published and can be used to promote the use of SCTP "in-the-wild".

Analysis of BitTorrent Performance in a Content Caching Context

Type: Swinburne Researcher Development Scheme
Amount: $27,491
Status: Competed September 2007

The ICE3 project at CAIA attempts to characterise the performance and service quality impact of inverting the network content and capacity hierarchy, in particular with regard to existing networked applications. One of the conjectures is that this increase in edge bandwidth will not necessarily improve perceived Internet performance without the location of local content caches around the edge of the network. This may be true for traditional caching schemes but the recent popularity of new protocols like BitTorrent have turned content distribution (particularly for large downloads) on its head, pushing the load of delivering content onto users participating on downloading that content rather than just on the content supplier.

This project will seek to analyse the performance of BitTorrent in the current network architecture and to develop model to accurately predict its performance in an inverted hierarchy network. It is expected that this will allow us to accurately compare the performance of BitTorrent against that of traditional caching schemes in the realm of content delivery.

Last Updated: Tuesday 20-Sep-2016 11:35:04 AEST | Maintained by: Jason But ( | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage (