As part of a broader organisational restructure, data networking research at Swinburne University of Technology has moved from the Centre for Advanced Internet Architecture (CAIA) to the Internet For Things (I4T) Research Lab.

Although CAIA no longer exists, this website reflects CAIA's activities and outputs between March 2002 and February 2017, and is being maintained as a service to the broader data networking research community.

Dr. Jason But




+61 3 9214 4839



Senior Lecturer Course Co-ordinator - Bach of ICT (Network Design and Security)
Deputy Chair, Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering
Deputy Academic Director (Education Quality & Accreditation)


B.E. (Elec)(Hons), University of Melbourne, 1995
BSc (CompSci), University of Melbourne, 1995
PhD, Monash University, July 2004
CCAI (Cisco Certified Academy Instructor (CCNA)), January 2008
GCTL (Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning), Swinburne University of Technology, 2008

Employment History:

Senior Lecturer, FSET, Swinburne University of Technology.
Lecturer, FICT, Swinburne University of Technology.
Research Fellow, CAIA, Swinburne University of Technology.
Lecturer (Part-Time), Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Sys. Engineering, Monash University.
Completion of PhD Studies, Monash University.
Research Fellow, Centre for Telecommunications and Information Engineering (CTIE), Monash University.
Network Engineer/Systems Engineer, Comalco Smelting, Bell Bay, Tasmania.

Research Portfolio:

My research output can be found in my Research Portfolio, including a list of my publications, Funding and Grants, Projects I have worked on and other associated research based work.

Teaching Portfolio:

Teaching covers a wide range of areas, details can be found in my Teaching Portfolio, including my Teaching Philosophy, details of the Units I teach, my thoughts on teaching and use of technology in teaching

PhD Candidates:

Radika Veera Valli - Coordinating Supervisor

Abolfazl Nazari - Associate Supervisor

Currently looking for PhD Students
Last Updated: Friday 14-Mar-2014 08:17:38 AEDT | Maintained by: Jason But ( | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage (