As part of a broader organisational restructure, data networking research at Swinburne University of Technology has moved from the Centre for Advanced Internet Architecture (CAIA) to the Internet For Things (I4T) Research Lab.

Although CAIA no longer exists, this website reflects CAIA's activities and outputs between March 2002 and February 2017, and is being maintained as a service to the broader data networking research community.


Master/PhD Research Projects Opportunities


Topics for new PhD students


Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Traffic congestion in urban areas is a pressing issue both in Australia and around the globe. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) have recently emerged as a potential solution to traffic congestion, where transportation infrastructure is complemented with information and communication capabilities (i.e. smart infrastructure) to make better use of the existing roads and related infrastructure.

The Swinburne Intelligent Transport Systems Laboratory headed by the ARC Future Fellow A/Prof Hai Vu is a joint collaboration between VicRoads and Swinburne University of Technology aiming to tackle real complex problem such as traffic congestion. In this Lab we will analyse traffic data, develop real-time route guidance systems, evaluate performance of the V2V and V2I communications, and also design and optimize traffic control mechanisms.

PhD students are sought who are familiar with at least two of the following areas: optimization, stochastic modeling, data mining, control theory, queuing theory, game theory, traffic theory, signal processing and statistic.


Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

VoIP services become increasingly important and offer a great opportunity to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in generating revenue. At the same time it raises many technical challenges in providing high-quality services, such as delay constraint, interoperability and reliability.

The objective of this research is to explore issues related to the integration of voice and data networks and come up with solution that can be implemented in current communications networks.


Network Security

In this project we will examine various Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on wireless network, and develop a framework to test and evaluate the effectiveness of different defensive techniques against those attacks. A range of research relates to vulnerability assessment and security of a network will also be conducted in this project.


Wireless Sensor Network

In this project we will analyse the performance of energy efficient protocols (including both MAC and routing protocols) for wireless sensor network. Questions related to target tracking, data collection and protocol design will also be investigated.


Performance Evaluation of 802.11 MAC protocol in wireless networks

Wireless local area networks (WLANs) are rapidly being deployed to provide users with network connectivity without being tethered off of a wire network. In WLANS the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is widely used to share the wireless medium between users. The performance of the wireless network, as well as the quality of service (QoS) offered in WLANs depend heavily on the mechanism of the 802.11 MAC protocol.

In this project we will develop an analytical model for the 802.11 MAC protocol which can be used in finding the optimal parameter setting for 802.11 MAC protocol and to improve the overall network performance.



Interest in topics listed above
Passion for research
Good programming skills (Matlab and/or C, C++)

Information for perspective research students can be found here


Contact Information

Please contact me if you are interested in these projects.

Room: EN 606b
Phone: 9214 8119




Last Updated: Thursday 16-Aug-2012 22:38:17 AEST | Maintained by: Hai Vu ( | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage (