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Title: Re-imagining Vivaldi with HTML5/WebGL
Speaker: Djuro Mirkovic
Date: 10:30am, 15th Oct 2015
Venue: EN615, Level 6, EN Building
Abstract: Vivaldi is a decentralised algorithm that calculates a Network Coordinate System (NCS). Vivaldi iteratively maps Hosts to a synthetic (virtual) coordinate space, which allows Hosts to predict the Round Trip Time (RTT) between other Hosts with little or no prior communication (or information). The iterative process in the synthetic coordinate space is often hard to conceptualise in N-dimensions. In this talk I will discuss the Vivaldi algorithm, and demonstrate various scenarios using Client-Server Data in a 3D simulation.
Biography: Djuro Mirkovic is a PhD (Engineering) Candidate at Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures (CAIA) at Swinburne University of Technology. He has completed, Bachelor of Engineering (Telecommunications and Network Engineering) 1st Class Honours / Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Software Engineering) 1st Class Honours, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
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