-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homenet3D for OpenWRT (v0.1): Building Packages (released 22th Jan 2014) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is part of Homenet3D for OpenWRT: http://caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d/openwrt/ It provides instructions for building OpenWRT firmware and installing Homenet3D packages. see also: http://http://caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d/downloads/homenet3d-build-firmware-v0.1.txt http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/buildroot.exigence http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/build (less helpful but some good info) http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/packages INTRODUCTION ------------ If you already have the OpenWRT source and buildroot set up, then you might want to simply obtain and build the Homenet3D packages to install on your router. If you do not yet have the tools to build a firmware image, we recommend using our VirtualBox image (it has a build environment and sources pre-configured, all you need to do is build). See: http://http://caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d/downloads/homenet3d-building-firmware-v0.1.txt OpenWRT also has more extensive documentation about packages: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/build#building.single.packages REQUIREMENTS ------------ We will assume that you have already fetched and built the OpenWRT source. Homenet3d has been tested on OpenWRT Barrier Breaker (bleeding edge) r38277. Homenet3D relies upon a C WebSocket library called 'libwebsocket'. There is no OpenWRT package available from the OpenWRT repositories but there is one available from the Homenet3D downloads page: http://caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d/downloads/ More information at https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets and http://caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d/openwrt#libwebsockets ADDING/BUILDING PACKAGES ------------------------ See the OpenWRT documentation on packages for more in-depth info. After running make, packages are found in bin//packages Extract the tarball: http://caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d/downloads/homenet3d-openwrt-package-v0.1.tar.gz to ~/openwrt/customfeed/homenet3D Extract the tarball: http://caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d/downloads/libwebsockets-openwrt-package-v1.23.tar.gz to ~/openwrt/customfeed/libwebsockets ~: cd ~/openwrt/trunk ~: cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf Edit feeds.conf to add line at the bottom (you can use the commented example): src-link customfeed [/absolute/path/to/your/home/dir]/openwrt/customfeed ~: ./scripts/feeds update customfeed packages luci This updates the major OpenWRT package respositories (packages/luci) which contain a lot of the dependencies of Homenet3D. ~: make menuconfig Select the packages you want installed. If you (*) select them they will be built into the OpenWRT image file. If you (M) select them they will only be built as stand alone packages under openwrt/trunk/bin/[target]/pacakges/ as .ipk files. For any packages that are missing from the menu you may need to install them with: ~: ./scripts/feeds install -p (packages) COMMON COMPILING PROBLEMS ------------------------- [ to be completed ] CONTRIBUTIONS ------------- We welcome your feedback and contributions! If you have discovered a bug, have a request for a new feature, have produced a code patch or a new classifier model, please contact: Grenville Armitage (garmitage@swin.edu.au) Dominic Allan (dallan@swin.edu.au) CONTACT ------- The Homenet3D website is: http://www.caia.swin.edu.au/urp/homenet3d If you have any questions or want to report any bugs please contact Grenville Armitage (garmitage@swin.edu.au) Dominic Allan (dallan@swin.edu.au) Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne, Australia CRICOS number 00111D http://www.caia.swin.edu.au