Mattia Rossi Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia CRICOS number 00111D April, 2012 ---------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW ---------------------------------------------- The MRT slice tool takes a large MRT BGP4MP type dump containing BGP update sequences, and cuts out slices for certain time intervals, which do not only contain the update messages of this time interval, but also the updates of an initial RIB propagation. The tool can also be used to convert RIB dumps into BGP updates in MRT format, or to join multiple MRT update dumps, and cut slices of those, producing one single MRT file with the updates of the desired time frame. The tool takes care of 4 byte AS to 2 byte AS conversions as well. This MRT slices can be used to reproduce a complete BGP session between two BGP speakers as it would have been happened at the exact time the updates were collected. This tool is part of the MDFMT and can be found in folder mrt_slice. The following files are part of the tool: README-mrtslice ----------------------- LICENCE ----------------------- This tool is released under a new BSD License. For more details please refer to the included source files. ----------------------- USAGE ----------------------- Execute the script as follows: python [options] Options: -i DUMPFILE, --infile=DUMPFILE (required if -r is not specified) MRT input dump file - add multiple files by specifying them as list separated by "," e.g.: -i file1,file2,file3. Filenames can include wildcards -o DUMPFILE, --outfile=DUMPFILE (required) MRT output dump file -r RIBDUMP, --ribdump=RIBDUMP (required if -i is not specified) MRT RIB dump file (TableDump_v2). The new MRT dump file will start from the time of the first RIB dump entry. If not set, the slice will start from the beginning of the input dump file, or from the time specified with the -s option -a ASIP, --asipfile=ASIP (required if both, -i and -r are specified) ASIP file to determine whether the (TableDump_v2) entries in the RIB should be converted to 4-byte or 2-byte ASes to match the input files. Required if both, -r and -i are used. -t TIMESPAN, --timespan=TIMESPAN (optional) Timespan of the slice in seconds. Add "m" for minutes, "h" for hours, "d" for days and "w" for weeks. If there is only a single input file and no RIB file or start time, the default is 1h. Otherwise the default is to join the RIB file and all input files and process them to the end. -s STARTTIMESTRING, --starttime=STARTTIMESTRING (optional if -r is not specified) Start time of the slice if no RIB dump is given. The time needs to be in the format: "dd/mm/YYYY HH:MM:SS" for the GMT Timezone. If a RIB dump is given, it will override this setting. The resulting file will be an MRT BGP4MP type dump. ---------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------- The mrt_slice tool works only with a patched dpkt library which allows the use of 4 byte AS numbers. The patchset is part of the MDFMT project and should be located in folder dpkt-patchset. The complete MDFMT can be obtained at: Refer to the dpkt-patchset README for more information on how to install dpkt and the patchset. A slightly outdated documentation of the mrt_slice tool version 0.1 can be found at [2]. ---------------------------------------------- KNOWN LIMITATIONS ---------------------------------------------- There have been issues with large MRT dump files obtained from the rrc0 collector at RIPE. It seemd that python is not able to handle very long TableDumpV2 entries, which are read as a single string, and causes the mrt-slicer to crash. ---------------------------------------------- RELATED READING ---------------------------------------------- [1] MRT dump format RFC (RFC 6396): [2] MRT dump file manipulation toolkit (MDFMT) - version 0.2 (CAIA technical report) PDF format ---------------------------------------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------------------------------------- This project has been made possible in part by a grant from the Cisco University Research Program Fund at Community Foundation Silicon Valley