=============================================================================== Teaplot v0.1.1 =============================================================================== Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note for FreeBSD users: Please ensure pkgng is enabled and setup if you are using FreeBSD 9.x or earlier, as it will make installation far simpler. 1. If TEACUP v1.0 is not already installed, retrieve it from: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/teacup/teacup-1.0.tar.gz Additional information can be obtained from: http://caia.swin.edu.au/reports/150529A/CAIA-TR-150529A.pdf 2. Extract Teaplot installation archive into the TEACUP directory: $ cd $ tar xvf 3. Apply the Teaplot patch found in the installation archive for fabfile.py inside the TEACUP directory: $ patch -p1 < teaplot.patch 4. Install system dependencies. For example, on FreeBSD: $ pkg install py27-django18 py27-scipy py27-numpy uwsgi 5. Installation is now complete. Teaplot can now be run from the experiment directory as a Fabric task: $ fab animate:address="",port="8000" Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following arguments can be added to the fab command line address: Address for the server to listen on port: Port number for the server animate_dir: Teaplot directory containing Django WSGI application processes: Number of uWSGI processes to use threads: Number of uWSGI threads for each process exp_list: Location of the experiments_completed.txt file generated by TEACUP exp_dir: Root directory of the experiment data referred to by experiments_completed.txt source_filter: TEACUP source filter to use as default in the web client test_id: TEACUP test id to use as default in the web client metric: TEACUP metric to use as default in the web client graph_count: Number of graphs to display on-screen by default graph_names: Names of the graphs displayed (semicolon-separated) by default out_dir: Directory in which to generate TEACUP intermediate files lnames: Legend/Flow names to show on the graphs (semicolon-separated) siftr: Enable ('1') or disable ('0') SIFTR metrics web10g: Enable ('1') or disable ('0') web10g metrics etime: Default end time in seconds for a new graph stime: Default start time in seconds for a new graph