TEACUP (TCP Experiment Automation Controlled Using Python) INSTALL ================================================================== $Id: INSTALL 1236 2015-04-14 07:51:18Z szander $ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --------------- TEACUP v0.9 was developed as part of a project funded by Cisco Systems and titled "Study in TCP Congestion Control Performance In A Data Centre". This is a collaborative effort between CAIA and Fred Baker of Cisco Systems. OVERVIEW -------- TEACUP assumes a testbed setup as described in the tech report: http://caia.swin.edu.au/reports/150210C/CAIA-TR-150210C.pdf The testbed has two subnets that are separated by one router, with at least one host in each subnet acting as traffic source and/or sink. The hosts must run Linux, FreeBSD, Windows 7 or Mac OS X, and the router must run Linux (preferably) or FreeBSD. Each host needs an extra network interface connected to a separate control network. Also, one needs a separate host (control host) that runs TEACUP to control the testbed hosts (experimental hosts) via the control network. On the control host you need to install Python, the Python Fabric toolkit and TEACUP. To run the analysis functions and produce graphs you also need to install R. The tool pdfjam is needed for some shell scripts provided to combine multiple pdf graphs on one page. To plot RTT graphs based on tcpdump files the SPP tool must be installed. TEACUP also uses a number of tools that are usually installed by default on a FreeBSD or Linux system, such as ping, kill and dd. We strongly recommend to run Linux or FreeBSD on the control host, as so far TEACUP has only been tested on FreeBSD or Linux. On the experimental hosts you need to install several tools for traffic generation: a modified iperf, a modified httperf and a modified nttcp. Furthermore, you need to install software for the logging of TCP state information. TEACUP also uses a number of tools that are usually installed by default on a FreeBSD, Mac OS X or Linux system, such as ping, kill and dd. The required tools are described in: http://caia.swin.edu.au/reports/150210C/CAIA-TR-150210C.pdf IF you want to run experiments with Windows you need to install Cygwin with the following packages: cygrunsrv, openssh, wget, procps, psmisc, make, autoconf, automake, gcc, lighttpd, openssh, pcre-devel, patch. This will allow you to build the traffic generators, provide SSH remote access TEACUP needs and also provide all other tools TEACUP needs. You can download Cygwin from https://www.cygwin.com/. Follow the provided instructions to install it. Also this is described in more detail in: http://caia.swin.edu.au/reports/150210C/CAIA-TR-150210C.pdf TEACUP can use a multi-boot OS setup on the experimental hosts and reboot the hosts into the desired OS automatically before starting experiments. This requires a specific setup (including PXE booting) as described in http://caia.swin.edu.au/reports/150210C/CAIA-TR-150210C.pdf. While such a multi-boot OS setup is very useful, it is entirely optional. TEACUP also works with hosts that only run a single OS. TEACUP can use power controllers to automatically power cycle hosts, but this is also an optional feature INSTALL R AND PDFJAM -------------------- These are needed on the control host for plotting graphs. Install R using your package management tools or download R from http://www.r-project.org/ and follow the installation instructions from this web site. Install pdfjam using your package management tools. INSTALL SPP ----------- SPP is needed on the control host to plot RTT figures. SPP is a tool that computes RTT estimates based on tcpdump files collected at both ends of a path. Download the latest version of SPP from http://caia.swin.edu.au/tools/spp/ and follow the instructions provided in the tarball to install it. INSTALL FABRIC -------------- TEACUP is based on Fabric (hhtp://docs.fabfile.org). Log in as root. Install Python 2.7 with your package management tools. Python 2.6 may work but is not recommended. Install pip: On FreeBSD you can use portmaster: > portmaster devel/py-pip On Linux use your package manager, e.g. on OpenSUSE you can use zypper: > zypper install python-pip Install Fabric: > pip install fabric Upgrade an existing Fabric: > pip install --upgrade fabric Test if Fabric works: > fab --version Fabric 1.8.0 Paramiko 1.12.0 If Fabric is installed correctly it will print out the version info as shown above. INSTALL TEACUP SCRIPTS ---------------------- Unpack the archive: > cd /home/user > tar -xvzf teacup-.tar.gz This will create a directory /home/user/teacup- with all the scripts. In the following we will refer to this directory as . Create a directory for an experiment: > mkdir -p /home/user/experiment/ Each experiment needs a config.py script. Start with a copy of the example config file, for example: > cp /example_configs/config-scenario1.py /home/user/experiment/config.py Also copy the run.sh file: > cp /run.sh /home/user/experiment/ For convenience or if fabfile.py should be modified for an experiment it should also be copied: > cp /fabfile.py /home/user/experiment/ Edit /home/user/experiment/config.py and change the TPCONF_script_path variable at the top to the location of the scripts, e.g. /home/user/teacup-0.6 Modify TPCONF_router, TPCONF_hosts and TPCONF_host_internal_ip based on the hosts used for the experiment. Set env.user and env.password to the superuser and superuser password. Edit /home/user/experiment/config.py to change the experiment settings as required. Before running an actual experiment, you can check that the config file has no errors (this is also done automatically by TEACUP as first step though): > fab check_config Without fabfile.py in the experiment directory start an experiment like this: > run.sh /home/user/teacup-0.6/fabfile.py Or you can start an experiment with fab directly: > PYTHONPATH=. fab -f /home/user/teacup-0.6/fabfile.py run_experiment_single Instead of running a whole experiment one can run single tasks, e.g. to check if all tools are installed on hosts and run: > PYTHONPATH=. fab -f /home/user/teacup-0.6/fabfile.py -H, check_host To see the list of available tasks, run: > fab -f /home/user/teacup-0.6/fabfile.py -l With fabfile.py in the experiment directory we don't need to specify the path. The above commands simplify to: > run.sh > fab run_experiment_single > fab -H, check_host > fab -l INSTALL TRAFFIC GENERATOR TOOLS ------------------------------- These are needed on the experiment hosts. Install iperf, httperf and nttcp from the packages provided in the TEACUP tarball. Refer to the documentation of these tools on how to install them. INSTALL TCP LOGGERS ------------------- These are needed on the experiment hosts. Which tools are needed depends on the OS(s) installed on the experiment hosts. Linux ----- On Linux you need to install web10g. Download web10g from http://www.web10g.org/ and follow the instructions provided to install a patched Linux kernel and the web10g userland tools. If you use web10g version 2.0.8 or higher nothing else is required. If you use web10g version 2.0.7 you must patch the userland code with the patch provided in the TEACUP tarball (web10g-logger-0.1-web10g-2.0.7.patch) and then compile and install the userland code. You must use web10g version 2.0.7 or newer, TEACUP does not work with older web10g versions. FreeBSD ------- You must use FreeBSD 8.2 or newer, where SIFTR is part of the kernel. You must patch the SIFTR kernel module with the patch provided in the TEACUP tarball (freebsd_siftr_ertt_patch.tar.gz), rebuild and install it. Instructions on how to patch SIFTR are provided in the freebsd_siftr_ertt_patch.tar.gz tarball. Windows 7 --------- Install the Windows TCP EStats Logger provided in the TEACUP tarball (win-estats-logger-0.1.zip). Follow the instructions provided in the README file inside the zip archive. Mac OS X -------- Install the SIFTR-like logger for Mac OS X provided in the TEACUP tarball (dsiftr-osx-0.1.zip). Follow the instructions in the README file inside the zip archive. COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures, Swinburne University of Technology. All rights reserved. Author: Sebastian Zander (szander@swin.edu.au) Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.