CAIA Research Seminars Close Window
Title: Exploring and Investigating Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Traffic Flow Control and Congestion Control by Using Network Simulator 3 (NS-3)
Speaker: Jonathan Kua
Date: 10:30am, 8th Aug 2013
Venue: EN205, Level 2, EN Building
Abstract: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is responsible for carrying the bulk of all Internet traffic across most common types of data network reliably and securely, so the performance of the Internet depends greatly on the robustness of TCP. In a shared, highly distributed and heterogeneous environment such as the Internet, the performance characteristics of TCP are defined by the flow control mechanism and the congestion control algorithm it employs to optimize the network capacity. There are a number of approaches with regards to the development of TCP in communication systems. The main objective of this project is to investigate the nature of congestion events in highly aggregated traffic flows in a Network Simulator 3 (NS-3) simulated environment. An in-depth examination of congestion events is done to analyze the growth of congestion window with respect to traffic, distinct phases of queue build-up, packet losses, changes to window sizes, followed by TCP reaction and queue clearing. Besides, the effects of TCP tuning are analyzed to better understand the handling of TCP traffic in a congested network and to optimize TCP performance.
Biography: Jonathan is enrolled in Bachelor of Engineering (Telecommunication and Network Engineering) at Swinburne University of Technology and he is currently in his third year of studies. Jonathan is also undertaking a winter internship at the Centre of Advanced Internet Architectures (CAIA).
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