802.11 Wireless Network Access at Swinburne Using FreeBSD 5.3

CAIA Technical Report 041221A

Jason But
December 21st, 2004


FreeBSD is a UNIX oriented operating system which is also the default desktop Operating System (OS) for many at the Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures (CAIA). While networking is a key feature of FreeBSD and other UNIX type OS's, support for integrated 802.11 wireless networking on laptops is problematic. I have recently managed to set up my laptop (DELL Latitude D505) to: In this report I document the steps I took. While your laptop may offer a slightly different configuration, or your wireless network is not the same as that provided by Swinburne University, many steps documented in this report will still be applicable.

This document is broken down into the following sections:

Wireless Network Device Drivers for FreeBSD 5.3

FreeBSD only supports a handful of Wireless Network Devices directly. However a separate project - Project Evil - (which has recently been added to the standard FreeBSD 5.3 distribution) allows the use of existing Microsoft Windows Wireless Network Card drivers in a FreeBSD environment. As per the FreeBSD Networking Documentation:

Unfortunately, there are still many vendors that do not provide schematics for their drivers to the open source community because they regard such information as trade secrets. Consequently, the developers of FreeBSD and other operating systems are left two choices: develop the drivers by a long and pain-staking process of reverse engineering or using the existing driver binaries available for the Microsoft® Windows platforms. Most developers, including those involved with FreeBSD, have taken the latter approach.

Thanks to the contributions of Bill Paul (wpaul), as of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE there is ``native'' support for the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS). The FreeBSD NDISulator (otherwise known as Project Evil) takes a Windows driver binary and basically tricks it into thinking it is running on Windows. This feature is still relatively new, but most test cases seem to work adequately.

The most difficult step in generating the if_ndis kernel module is locating the original Windows drivers. You need:

To generate the if_ndis.ko Kernel Module, you need to copy all the necessary file into the /sys/modules/if_ndis directory and then in that directory execute:

    ndiscvt -i W32DRIVER.INF -s W32DRIVER.SYS -o ndis_driver_data.h
    make install

NOTE: It is necessary to run the original BSD make, GNU make will not succeed with the pre-existing Makefile

Project Evil contructs a FreeBSD Kernel Module that wraps the existing Microsoft Windows drivers, translating between the Windows NDIS network interface and the FreeBSD ifconfig interface. If there are other files required by the Windows driver, then there are two options:

  1. Copy the other files to /compat/ndis, they will be loaded as required by the if_ndis driver. However, this will only work IF the kernel module is loaded AFTER the system has started and the filesystem has been fully mounted.
  2. Use the ndiscvt with the -f option to generate a shared module that can be loaded during system boot. For further information see man ndiscvt
Once the kernel module for your Wireless device has been installed, it is a simple matter of loading the kernel modules ndis and if_ndis to enable the Wireless Network device.

Specific steps for the Dell Latitude D505

The DELL Latitude D505 laptop computer has an Intel(R) Pro/Wireless 2200BG Network Device. The Windows XP Drivers provided by DELL a supplied as a single executable to install all required files. I found a ZIP file containing the required files at http://www.powernotebooks.com/Support/intel_2200_wlan.zip, copy the files w22n51.sys and w22n51.INF to /sys/modules/if_ndis and execute:

    ndiscvt -i w22n51.INF -s w22n51.sys -o ndis_driver_data.h
    make install

This driver requires two other files for error reporting purposes, the driver functions perfectly without these extra files but as per Option 1 above, the must be loaded AFTER the system has started.

The driver functions as two loadable kernel modules, the first ndis.ko can be loaded during the boot phase of system startup - to do this add the following line to /boot/loader.conf

    ndis_load = YES

It is also possible to specify loading the second kernel module within /boot/loader.conf by adding the following line, however this will only work IF the Windows XP Driver for your wireless device does not require any files other than the corresponding *.SYS and *.INF files. In the case of the Dell Latitude D505, there are other files and the if_ndis.ko kernel module cannot be loaded from within /boot/loader.conf.

    if_ndis_load = YES

Once the system has started, you can load the second kernel module if_ndis.ko, this must be done as root. To do this execute the command:

    kldload if_ndis

Once loaded, the if_ndis kernel module will create the ndis0 network device, this is what we will configure and use to access the Wireless network.

Configuring the Wireless Network Device

In this section we assume that you have compiled and installed the Project Evil kernel modules AND that both kernel modules (ndis and if_ndis) have been loaded.

Enabling/Disabling the Wireless Network Device

The ndis0 device is enabled by executing (as root) the command:

    ifconfig ndis0 up

The device is disabled by executing (as root) the command:

    ifconfig ndis0 down

Obtaining a list of available Access Points

This task need not be performed as root. To obtain a list of available Access Points, execute the command:

    wicontrol -i ndis0 -l

This will list all available access points, the signal strength, whether or not they are WEP protected and a host of other useful information.

Associating with an Open Access Points

To associate to an Access Point with the Network ID (or SSID) of Net_ID, execute (as root):

    ifconfig ndis0 nwid Net_ID

To access a WEP protected Access Point, issue the command:

    ifconfig ndis0 nwid Net_ID wepkey wep_key

Obtaining an IP Address on a Wireless Network

Once associated with an Access Point, it is necessary to configure an IP Address on the network device so that the system can access the network resources. There are two options:

1. Use a fixed IP Address.
Configure the ndis0 device with the ifconfig command with a static (fixed) IP address. It will also be necessary to configure the routing tables using route so that IP traffic is properly routed. This information will be available from your system administrator.
2. Use a dynamically assigned IP Address.
Use DHCP to be allocated a free IP Address, this will also set up the routing tables on your system. Details of this option are outlined below.
With FreeBSD 5.3, DHCP on a network device is configured using the dhclient daemon - this program must be executed as root. When executed, the dhclient will attempt to obtain an IP address for the Wireless Network Device, configure the routing table to properly route IP traffic over the Wireless Connection, and modify network address resolution information stored in /etc/resolv.conf. There are steps that must first be taken before we allow DHCP configuration: A useful set of instructions to execute are:

    cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf~
    route -n get default
    route delete default

Remembering to note the gateway value reported by the second command.

Once these commands are executed, we can execute (as root):

    dhclient ndis0

This will obtain an IP address for the Wireless device and update the routing tables.

NOTE: A new default route will only be programmed IF there is NO current default route, hence the command to delete the current default route

When we wish to disconnect from the wireless device we need to first kill the dhclient daemon (PID stored in /var/run/dhclient.pid), and then execute the following commands (where gateway is the value obtained earlier):

    cp /etc/resolv.conf~ /etc/resolv.conf
    route delete default
    route add default gateway

Automating Wireless Device Configuration

This is alot of commands to issue to use our wireless device, I would like to simplify the task somewhat. Unfortunately, while a handful of Wireless Network Management GUI Tools have been writen for KDE, they access the network device using the Linux Wireless Extensions and currently only work with Linux installations. Instead, I have developed the following script which should be placed in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wireless.sh. Being in this location, it is executed with the parameter start at the end of the system boot phase and with the parameter stop when system shutdown is initiated. The script takes four possible parameter, the descriptions follow the script presentation. Finally, the script must be executed as root, it will fail with an error message if run by a regular user.


# Binary programs used by this script.                                         #
IFCONFIG=`which ifconfig`
WICONTROL=`which wicontrol`
DHCLIENT=`which dhclient`
NETSTAT=`which netstat`
ROUTE=`which route`
DIALOG=`which dialog`
KLDLOAD=`which kldload`
KLDUNLOAD=`which kldunload`

# The network device name and the location of run-time storage.                #

# Some parameters used for the User Interface.                                 #
DLG_TITLE="Wireless Connection Manager"

# Management of the Wireless Network Device.                                   #
#                                                                              #
# There are four possible options to run this script, they are listed below    #
# and parsed as a command line option.  Finally, this script may ONLY be run   #
# as root, a regular user attempting to run this script will receive an error  #
# message.                                                                     #
if [ `id -u` -ne "0" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: You appear to be `id -un` but you need to run this script as root"
    exit 1

# Create the run-time storage directory if it doesn't exist.                   #
mkdir -p $DB_DIR

# wireless.sh start                                                            #
#                                                                              #
# Called by the system during system start up.  We load the if_ndis kernel     #
# module that will create the ndis? device.  The device is created as being    #
# "down", it can be brough up by executing this script with the "connect"      #
# option.                                                                      #
case "$1" in
    echo "Creating Wireless Network Device ($NETDEV)"
    $KLDLOAD if_ndis > /dev/null
# wireless.sh connect                                                          #
#                                                                              #
# The user wishes to bring up the wireless network device AND connect to a     #
# wireless network.  We do the following:                                      #
# - Enable the wireless network device ndis?                                   #
# - Obtain a list of available access points.                                  #
# - Display the list and allow the user to make a selection of which access    #
#   point to associate with.                                                   #
# - If there are no access points, or the user cancels the selection, bring    #
#   down the network device and exit.                                          #
# - Associate the network device to the selected Access Point.                 #
# - Backup the existing /etc/resolv.conf file so it can be restored later.     #
# - Backup existing default route information so that it be later restored.    #
# - Run dhclient on the network device to obtain an IP address and set basic   #
#   routing information.                                                       #
# - Get all routes from the route table associated with the wireless network   #
#   device and display them to the user.                                       #
    INFO="Bringing up Wireless network device - $NETDEV...\n"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS

    INFO="$INFO\nScanning for available connection points"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
    for NWID in `$WICONTROL -i $NETDEV -l | grep netname | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq`
        MENULIST="$MENULIST $NWID Open_Wireless_Access_Point"

    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" \
            --menu "Please select the Access Point you would like to attach to:" \
            $DLG_DIMENSIONS 12 \
            $MENULIST \
            2> tempfile

    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        $IFCONFIG $NETDEV down
        $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" \
                --msgbox "No connection established, application terminated." $DLG_DIMENSIONS
        exit 0
    ACCESS_POINT=`cat tempfile`

    INFO="Connecting to Access Point - $ACCESS_POINT\n"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
    INFO="$INFO\n - Associated $NETDEV with $ACCESS_POINT"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS

    cp /etc/resolv.conf $DB_DIR/resolv.conf
    INFO="$INFO\n - Backed up /etc/resolv.conf"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS

    echo "default `route -n get default | awk '/gateway:/ { print $2 }'`" > $DB_DIR/def_route
    INFO="$INFO\n - Backed up route (`cat $DB_DIR/def_route`)"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
    $ROUTE delete default
    INFO="$INFO\n - DHCP negotiated on $NETDEV\n - Updating Routing table"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
    INFO="$INFO\n\nNew routes added"
    INFO="$INFO\n`$NETSTAT -nrf inet | grep $NETDEV | awk '{ print $1, $2 }'`\n"
    INFO="$INFO\nConnected!  Press  to continue"
    $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --msgbox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
# wireless.sh hangup                                                           #
#                                                                              #
# - Kill the dhclient daemon running on the network device.                    #
# - Delete all routes associated with the wireless network device.             #
# - Restore the original default route.                                        #
# - Restore the original /etc/resolv.conf                                      #
# - Unload and then reload the if_ndis kernel module, this clears any settings #
#   from the current session that may impact on future settings.               #
    INFO="Hanging up current wireless connection\n"

    if [ -e /var/run/dhclient.pid ]; then
        INFO="$INFO\n - Killing DHCP service"
        $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
        kill -9 `cat /var/run/dhclient.pid`
    if [ -s $DB_DIR/def_route ]; then
        INFO="$INFO\n - Restoring route (`cat $DB_DIR/def_route`)"
        $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
        $ROUTE delete default > /dev/null 2>&1
        $ROUTE add $(cat "$DB_DIR/def_route")
    if [ -e $DB_DIR/resolv.conf ]; then
        INFO="$INFO\n - Restoring /etc/resolv.conf"
        $DIALOG --title "$DLG_TITLE" --infobox "$INFO" $DLG_DIMENSIONS
        rm /etc/resolv.conf
        mv /$DB_DIR/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
    rm -fR $DB_DIR/*
    /sbin/kldunload if_ndis
# wireless.sh hangup                                                           #
#                                                                              #
# The system is going down, we need to restore some backed up information so   #
# that it is available the next time the system boots.  Routing tables are not #
# relevant and will be reset at next system boot time, however we need to:     #
# - Restore the original /etc/resolv.conf                                      #
# - Remove any database files from $DB_DIR                                     #
    if [ -e $DB_DIR/resolv.conf ]; then
        echo "Restoring pre-Wireless Network Device system configuration files..."
        rm /etc/resolv.conf
        mv $DB_DIR/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
        rm -fR $DB_DIR/*

# Default case, print usage information for the shell script.                  #
	echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop|connect|hangup}" >&2

exit 0

wireless.sh start

Executed during system boot. Simply loads the if_ndis kernel module, thereby creating the ndis0 device. This script will always be executed AFTER the filesystem is mounted and so there will be no problems with loading the kernel module. If you are able to load your if_ndis kernel module with /boot/loader.conf without an error, the kldload line is not required in this script.

wireless.sh connect

Attempts to connect to an available Access Point and obtain an automatic IP address using dhclient. Previous settings are stored in files in /var/run/wireless so that they can be restored when the connection is terminated. The script:

This script assumes the Access Point is NOT WEP protected AND is hosting a DHCP service. Further extensions to this script may check for WEP and ask the user for a key to use.

wireless.sh hangup

Disconnects from the current wireless connection. The script:

wireless.sh stop

Executed during system shutdown. At this stage we don't need to restore all settings, since most are dynamic and will be recreated during the next system boot phase. It is necessary to restore the /etc/resolv.conf file so that it is correct for the next time the system is started.

VPN Networking

Swinburne 802.11 wireless network access is controlled through a VPN gateway. Once a connection is established with the wireless Access Point, it is necessary to connect to the VPN gateway before open access to the network is granted. To do this we will be installing:

VPNC version 0.2.9
A Command Line tool to form a connection with a Cisco VPN Concentrator.
KVPNC version
A KDE Application prociding a GUI frontend to VPNC.

Installing VPNC v0.2.9

The kvpnc application lists version 0.2.9 of vpnc as a requirement. While it may function with older versions of vpnc, this is not certain. Further, kvpnc specifically states that it will not function with any version of vpnc newer than version 0.2.9, specifically versions 0.3.x

So, how to install version 0.2.9 of vpnc>:

An existing FreeBSD port/package entitled vpnc is located in /usr/ports/security/vpnc. The current version can easily be installed via:

    pkg_add -r vpnc

The current packages for vpnc will install version 0.2.8 of the application, which is not the latest version. However, the version installed by this command can change at any time. The packages for versions 0.2.8 and 0.3.2 are available on the FreeBSD website, but not for version 0.2.9. To ensure that the package for version 0.2.8 is not overwritten, we make this package available href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5.3-release/All/vpnc-0.2_8.tbz">here. After downloading the package, it can be installed by executing:

    pkg_add vpnc-0.2_8.tbz

This is necessary as the Makefile for the VPNC source tarball does not have a make install option. Adding the FreeBSD package will ensure that subsiduary files are installed in the correct location.

The source code package for VPNC can be obtained here. The filename we want to download is vpnc-0.2-rm+zomb.1.tar.gz. Once extracted, we need to execute make in the directory to make the application, and then copy the generated vpnc binary to the /usr/local/sbin sub-directory.

Finally, the VPNC source code provides two script files vpnc-connect and vpnc-disconnect that are not installed as part of the FreeBSD package. These scripts are Linux specific and do not function as-is under FreeBSD. I have re-written them to work, they are available here:


This script wraps a call to vpnc such that it connects to the VPN Gateway, and updates the routing tables so that packets are forwarded to the newly created VPN tunnel.


This script kills the currently running vpnc daemon and restored the original routing tables so that communications will function as they did before the VPN tunnel was created.

Installing KVPNC v0.4.1.2

KVPNC is available at http://home.gna.org/kvpnc, the source code can be downloaded here.

Once extracted you need to execute the following commands to install on FreeBSD:

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
    make install (as root)

The "--prefix" option for configure is important, otherwise support files will be installed in the incorrect directory and KVPNC will not function correctly. Once installed, KVPNC will be available as an option on the Start->Internet menu on your KDE Desktop. When executed, it will ask for the root password (as vpnc needs to run as root in order to request port 500 and to update the routing tables). Be sure to set the configuration with the correct location of vpnc, vpnc-connect and vpnc-disconnect.

Swinburne Wireless Configuration

All connections to the VPN assume that we are already connected to the Swinburne Wireless Network (swinnet), that we have been allocated an IP address, and that the routing tables have been correctly programmed. Whether attempting to connect via the command line or via kvpnc, you must be root.

Connecting via the command line

As root execute:

    vpnc-connect --gateway VPNGATEWAY --id GROUPID --username USERNAME


The script will ask you for the Group Password and your personal User password.

Connecting via kvpnc

Enter the details into the correct fields, ensure that the locations of the vpnc-* scripts are correct, and then click connect.

Values for Swinburne University

The IP Address of the Cisco VPN Concentrator used for wireless access at Swinburne University is:

Details of the usernames and passwords to use can be found here. This web page is password protected and only available to Swinburne staff and students. Note that usernames and passwords are case sensitive.


In conclusion, while this document specifically outlines the steps required to get 802.11 wireless networking functioning on my Dell Latitude D505 running FreeBSD 5.3, many aspects of the procedure can be applied to other laptops.


Last Updated: Sunday 16-Jan-2005 12:30:57 AEDT | Maintained by: Jason But (jbut@swin.edu.au) | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage ( garmitage@swin.edu.au)