Copyright (c) 2011 Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia All rights reserved. Released under the GNU General Public License version 2. David Hayes ( or Dependencies: ============= The TCP Evaluation Suite is designed to run with NS version 2.35 (final release). The main features in NS 2.35 that are required are to do with Tmix, and especially Tmix one-way TCP. The latest version of Tmix is available at They require some minor changes to tcp.h, which supports Tmix one-way tcp connection closing. All of this should be in the final release of NS 2.35. Installing: =========== The tar file containing this file should be extracted in the ns-allinone-2.35 directory, or in the same directory as the ns-2.35 directory if ns-allinone is not installed. You will also need to install the Tmix traffic trace files, which are in a separate tar.bz2 file. Usage Instructions: =================== Running eval/ without parameters will provide usage instructions. Note that the "target" option is not for general use, but was used to determine the Tmix scale parameters defined for the different experiments. Adding a TCP variant: ===================== TCP variants can be added by editing the eval/tcl/tcp_schemes.tcl file, following the examples already there. In addition to this a file with necessary test parameters needs to be placed in each of the test directories: eg eval/scenarios/Basic_Dumbbell_Scenarios/access_link/NewReno.tcl Since the defaults have already been defined in tcl_base_setup for that experiment, often the only line needed in the file is: set Test_TCP NewTCPvariant where "NewTCPvariant" identifies the scheme you have placed in eval/tcl/tcp_schemes.tcl. Implemented Tests: ================== - Basic Dumbbell Scenarios: access_link data_center dial_up geo_satellite trans_oceanic wireless_access Delay ThroughputTradeoff (here in ns2 implementation) - Impact on Standard TCP - Ramp Up Time - Multiple Bottleneck: Three bottlenecks with four flows